Download Beatty's Radio One Pager
Suggested Questions for Beatty Cohan
1. How do I know if I’ve met “the one?”
2. Brittney Spears’ Divorce: Why did her marriage fall apart?
3. Which of your favorite celebrities are in secure marriages?
4. Is your therapist depressing you? Tips on how to find the right therapist for you.
5. Why is marriage counseling a complete waste of time, energy, and money?
6. Are your friends and family toxic? Five warning signs to help you exit poisonous relationships.
7. What are the nine reasons for the bedroom blues? Find out how to have exciting sex.
8. How do I save a marriage with pillow talk?
9. Why, according to Beatty, is Hilary Clinton a terrible role model for women?
10. Can you salvage the relationship after an extra-marital affair?